Volunteer as a Service Member

Volunteer With Us: Active Duty and Reserve Service Members

Thank you for considering volunteer opportunities with Mission to Commission. We invite active duty and reserve service members to join us in mentoring prospective members of the military. Your dedication, experience, and commitment to service make you invaluable assets to our organization and the military community.

Mentorship Program

As an active duty or reserve service member, you can serve as a mentor within our Mentorship Program. Share your experiences, insights, and expertise with individuals considering a military career. Your guidance and support can make a significant impact on their decision-making process and preparedness for military service.

Why Volunteer as a Mentor?

  • Guide Future Service Members: Assist individuals considering a military career by providing guidance, encouragement, and practical advice.
  • Share Your Experience: Utilize your firsthand knowledge and expertise to help prospective recruits navigate the complexities of joining the military.
  • Inspire and Prepare: Inspire confidence in prospective recruits and help them develop the skills and mindset needed for success in military service.
  • Personal Growth: Enhance your leadership and mentoring skills while making a positive difference in the lives of future service members.

How to Get Involved

  1. Apply to Become a Mentor: Complete our mentor application form [link to application form] to express your interest in volunteering as a mentor. Provide details about your military background, experience, and availability.
  2. Mentor Training: Attend a mentor training session designed specifically for active duty and reserve service members. Learn effective mentorship strategies and communication techniques tailored to mentoring prospective military recruits.
  3. Match with a Mentee: Based on your background, skills, and availability, we'll match you with an individual considering a military career who can benefit from your guidance and support.
  4. Start Mentoring: Begin your mentoring journey by establishing rapport with your mentee, addressing their questions and concerns, and providing guidance as they explore military opportunities.

Join Us in Service

Your commitment to volunteer as a mentor for prospective members of the military demonstrates your dedication to supporting and preparing the next generation of service members. Together, we can empower individuals to make informed decisions about their military careers and embark on paths to success. Thank you for considering volunteer opportunities with Mission to Commission. We look forward to partnering with you in this important endeavor.