Our Mission and Purpose

At Mission to Commission, we understand the significant need for comprehensive career services for those considering military service and specialized support for veterans transitioning back into civilian life. The landscape today reveals profound gaps in support systems both before and after military service, which we aim to address.

Prospective military entrants often face a shortage of career services and guidance, which can hinder their ability to make well-informed decisions about their future in the armed forces. Many begin their military journey without clear insights into their options, potential career paths within the military, or strategies for long-term success. This lack of clarity and support can lead to uncertainty and unpreparedness as they step into their roles.

Conversely, veterans transitioning to civilian life frequently encounter challenges in securing meaningful employment, despite possessing valuable skills, experiences, and leadership qualities developed during their service. High veteran unemployment rates highlight the urgent need for customized training and support programs that effectively bridge the gap between military service and civilian employment.

Additionally, declining military recruitment numbers emphasize the critical need for robust support systems. These systems are essential not only to attract and retain top talent within the military but also to ensure smooth transitions for veterans into civilian careers.

Mission to Commission is dedicated to filling these essential gaps by offering a broad spectrum of services tailored to the unique needs of both future military entrants and transitioning veterans. Through personalized career counseling, customized training programs, employment assistance, and continuous support, we empower individuals to confidently manage their military careers and successfully transition to civilian life. By tackling these challenges directly and promoting transparency throughout their journey, we aim to enhance opportunities for military personnel, veterans, and their families, thereby strengthening our armed forces and contributing positively to the well-being of our nation.