College and Graduate Students: Balancing Education and Service

As a college or graduate student, you are already on a path of academic and personal growth. Considering a career in the military can complement your education and open a world of opportunities. At Mission to Commission, we provide the resources and support you need to integrate your academic goals with military service, ensuring a successful and fulfilling journey. 

Scholarships and Educational Benefits 

GI Bill Benefits 
Explore the Post-9/11 GI Bill and other educational benefits available for service members and veterans. These benefits can help cover tuition, housing, and other educational expenses. 

  • Tuition Assistance: Learn how the GI Bill can significantly reduce or eliminate your tuition costs. 
  • Housing Allowance: Understand the housing stipend provided to eligible students. 
  • Book and Supply Stipend: Access additional funds for books and supplies. 

Military Scholarships 
Discover a range of scholarships specifically for military personnel and their families. These scholarships can provide financial support for your education and reduce the burden of student loans. 

  • Service-Specific Scholarships: Explore scholarships offered by different branches of the military. 
  • Private Scholarships: Find scholarships from private organizations that support military students. 
  • Application Tips: Get advice on how to apply for and secure scholarships. 

ROTC Programs 
Learn about college-level ROTC programs and how they can provide financial assistance and leadership training. ROTC programs offer a pathway to becoming a commissioned officer while completing your college education. 

  • Scholarships: Understand the financial benefits of ROTC scholarships. 
  • Leadership Training: Gain valuable leadership skills and military training while in college. 
  • Service Commitment: Learn about the service commitment required after graduation. 

Balancing Education and Service 

Time Management 
Mastering time management is essential for balancing your academic and military commitments. Here are some tips and strategies to help you succeed: 

  • Planning Tools: Utilize planners and digital tools to organize your schedule. 
  • Prioritization: Learn how to prioritize tasks and manage deadlines effectively. 
  • Stress Management: Techniques for managing stress and maintaining mental health. 

Career Counseling 
Integrate your military and academic careers with our career counseling services. Whether you choose to stay in the military or transition to a civilian career after graduation, we can help you plan your future. 

  • Career Planning: Develop a career plan that aligns with your military and academic goals. 
  • Resume Building: Learn how to build a strong resume that highlights your military experience. 
  • Interview Preparation: Get tips and practice for job interviews in both military and civilian sectors. 


At Mission to Commission, we are committed to empowering college and graduate students who are considering a military career. Our mission is to provide you with the comprehensive resources, expert guidance, and unwavering support you need to excel in both your academic and military pursuits. 

For more information or personalized assistance, please contact us at [email protected] or call 877-622-7473. We are here to support you at every stage of your military journey.